Books on CPS

Top Books to Read on Applying the CPS Model to Challenging Behaviors

Continue learning as a caregiver building the skills, compassion and understanding your child or student needs to overcome their concerning behaviors. Based on the latest research by the originator of what is now known as the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) approach and leading child psychologist, Dr. Ross W. Green, PhD. These book recommendations will provide further insight and tools to help your child function better in school and at home.

Raising Human Beings: Creating a Collaborative Partnership with Your Child by Ross W. Greene, PhD.

Raising Human Beings: Creating a Collaborative Partnership with Your Child

by Ross W. Greene, PhD.

Cultivate a better relationship with your child by re-examining your approach to discipline with proactive problem solving. Dr. Greene provides clear guidelines to empower students, parents, teachers or caregivers to work together collaboratively. Discover empathetic and reasonable solutions to problem behavior where"traditional" approaches to discipline have failed.

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The Explosive Child: A New Approach to Understanding  by Ross W. Greene, PhD.

The Explosive Child: A New Approach to Understanding

by Ross W. Greene, PhD.

Is your child prone to frequent outbursts or misbehavior? Are you at your wits end? In this revised and updated 6th edition, best selling author and child psychologist Dr. Ross Greene answers your questions and provides evidence-based solutions using the latest research in neuroscience. Understand why your child behaves as they do, why they are prone to explosive behavior; move away from the traditional reward and punishment model and develop new parenting skills based on compassionate problem solving.

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Lost & Found: Unlocking Collaboration and Compassion to Help Our Most Vulnerable, Misunderstood Students (and All the Rest) by Ross W. Greene, PhD.

Lost & Found: Unlocking Collaboration and Compassion to Help Our Most Vulnerable, Misunderstood Students (and All the Rest)

by Ross W. Greene, PhD.

For educators (and parents) who want more guidance on how to effectively implement the ALSUP (Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems) in schools. Hear first-hand inspiring stories from some of the leading educators who have successfully integrated the CPS method in classrooms and learn how you too can help our most vulnerable children who are often misunderstood and lack, not motivation, but the right skills to navigate life's challenges.

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Continue Learning

CPS Method

CPS Method

Learn more on how The Grove Psychiatry applies a Collaborative and Proactive Solutions methodology.
Read About ALSUP



Read about what to expect from your child's Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems (ALSUP).​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Read About Plan B



Learn about Plan B training and what to expect from your CPS sessions at The Grove Psychiatry.​​​​​​​
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